
Last Modified on Jun 26, 2024, 4:15 PM by BePro Software Team
ProjectsSharingSentimentPM AssistantAssetsIntegrationsAnalyticsDashboardMachine Learning

Projects are the core of activities on FolioProjects. It's how stakeholders interact and provides information for your project management copilot to analyze for optiimization support.

In this documentation, we will provide a high level view of the features available with projects. For details, see specific documentation targeting that specific aspect of projects.

Table Of Contents

  • Projects
  • Administration
  • Dashboard
  • Workflows
  • Assets
  • Activity
  • Risk management
  • Links
  • RAG Chatbot
  • Lessons Learned
  • RLHF Analysis
  • HueFlux
  • Comments
  • Subscribers
  • Sharing
  • Privacy
  • Billing
  • FAQ


Create, manage, analyze, and share projects. The more information you provide in a project, the more useful it is for stakeholders including your AI project management assistant.

Avoid cold starts with help from LLMs from popular makers like OpenAI, Mistral, and Meta. When creating a project, simply give it a title and a description, and select which LLM you would like you analyze the project. FolioProjects will provide workflow tasks, assets, and risks that can assis you with your stated goal. As you select the provided options and perform further analysis, the LLMs will make better suggestions. This process is called Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF).

You can view a list of your projects on the main dashboard visible as soon as you login and available via the main menu. You can also find a list of your projects on your profile. Once you get to the project list, its easy to create a new project with the button on the top left.


At the top of the header of each project, there will be a button labelled "Manage". This button can only be seen by assets that are assigned the role of "Admin" and have accepted that role in the project.

Once in the administration area, you can control a range of activites including the details of the project and requesting ML LLM analysis of the project. You can also select which LLM will be used to power your project RAG chatbot.

Fill in as much detail as possible to provide stakeholders like the ML LLMs with deep context about your projects. As you add more details like dates, budgets, etc, the better aligned your proejct is for success.


When you land on a project, the first page is the dashboard. It can also be accessed via the Overview button in the header of each project page. Your project dashboard provides a wealth of information about the project including:

  • Description
  • Statistics
  • HueFlux sentiment
  • Tags
  • Links
  • Number of completed tasks
  • Number of assets

The dashboard is meant to give users a high level summary of the current performance of the project and its intended goal.


Here is where you outline the tasks that need to be completed. You can assign users, assets, risks, triggers, and lessons learned to each task. Each task has a title and description making it easy to describe the work that's needed.

Workflows can be viewed in both Kanban and List view. You choose the view that works best for how you manage your projects. You can also control their order by dragging and dropping them in either view.


Assets are people, products or services needed to achieve the goals of your projects. This includes everything from permits and licenses, to specialists and tools. FolioProjects helps you to define, manage, and track all assets related to your project. You can add a role to each asset. 

To add a user profile as an asset to your project, assign it to them using the @ symbol e.g. @beyondprograms. If there is no user with that name, FolioProjects will provide an error.

To add an asset that's attached to a user's profile to the project, add it using the @ and | characters. So, an example would be @beyondprograms|folioprojects. This will alert the asset owner, in this case Beyond Programs Ltd, about this request for them to join


With FolioProjects, you have the ability to conduct thorough audits on all activity within every project. As you or stakeholders take actions in the project, they will all show up in the activity log. The activity feed can be accessed from the menu in the header of any project page.

While viewing the activity log, notice that each activity has a unique icon. This makes it easy to focus on the activities that are important to your audit. Project activity includes a range of records including:

  • ML LLM Analysis
  • ETL Pipeline activity
  • HueFlux Sentiment submissions
  • Added and deleted Assets
  • Added and removed Workflow items
  • Added and deleted Risks
  • Comments

Risk Management

The ability to record and analyze risk is a major aspect of project portfolio management. FolioProjects supports risk management including recording and tracking risks. This includes assigned risks to tasks and ajusting the status of the risk.

Risks have raiting for their severity and likelihood. The more severe and likely a risk is, the higher its overal rating in analytic reports like seen on the project dashboard in the statistics area.

When you ask LLMs to analyze your project, they will look at all aspects of your project including the existing risks. It will provide new risks that you may not have considered yet. The more you add risks to the project, the more you help your AI PM Assistant and other stakeholders to understand your project and make better suggestions. This process is another example of RLHF.


Keep as much information in one place as possible for people to understand the project goals. The links section helps with this by allowing you to add links to any website. Major websites that are recognized by the application, are labelled with an icon for that platform, making them easier to see in location like the dashboard.

Links are visible on the project dashboard. All project members can see these links. Depending on your privacy settings, vititors can also see these links. This is a great way to share related media, meeting links, and other important content.

When users click these links, this is captured in Analytics. You can see this data in places like your dashboard.

RAG Chatbot

Have natural language conversation with your preferred Machine Learning LLM through our project chatbot interface. This feature is currently available for advanced projects only.

When you engage the chatbot, we share a range of information about your project with the LLM like Workflows, Assets, and Risks. The process of sharing up to date details with the Chatbot feature is a machine learning technique known as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Talk to the chatbot like you would any expert on your project. The LLM can evaluate simple aspects like missing details or advanced concepts like schedule performance index.

Lessons Learned

FolioProjects facilitates a lessons learned management process model. As you learn lessons add them to your projects. This will automatically be shared with LLMs in other similar projects when you analyze them. This improves the analysis, relying on previous approaches to provide recommendations. Ofcourse, this information is also useful for those who intend to train their own LLMs through MLOps.

Lessosn learned can be attached to multiple workflow tasks. When attached, you can see a lessoned learned tag on the item within the workflow tab. Lessons learned can be accessed from the header menu on any project page

RLHF Analysis

Through the adminstration features, you can select an LLM to analyze your project. This will provide a range of updates throughout the project including the Workflows, Assets, and Risk tabs. In these tabs, you will find suggestions from your selected LLM

The suggestions from the LLM can easily be added to your project within its specific tab. As you add the items, the LLM name will be added to the elements title. So for example a suggestion of "test" from "Llama 2" would show up under the workflow items as "Llama 2 suggestion - test" with all the details it had for this task. This makes it easy to see which LLM made which suggestion after you have consulted a few of them.


The HueFlux colored symbol sentiment system is core to FolioProjects. You can fine it in our logo as well as in the header of every project page. The colored symbols make it easy to disseminate a range of sentiment related data.

Depending on your privacy settings, internal and external stakeholders will be able to submit sentiment data via the pages they have access to. You are able to adjust the weight of internal stakeholders via the asset edit feature.


Collaboration is at the heart of project success. On FolioProjects, you can link to the location where discussions are happening or encourgage them on the platform.

Depending on your privacy settings, project members, and non project members can comment on projects. This is a great way for stakeholders to contribute through prividing feedback, without them being able to affect any aspect of the actual management of the project.

Comments are attributed to logged in users, time stamped, and listed in chronological order making them easy to follow. If comments are allowed, you will see them at the bottom of most project pages, along with a form to contribute a new comment.


Once you have accepted membership in a project, or you are the creator of a project, you can subscribe to updates from that project. To do so, simply click the subscribe button if it's avaialble.

In some cases, depending on privacy level, non project members can be allowed to subscribe to updates as well. If this option is selected, non project members will be able to subscribe

Each user controls their notification settings from their own profiles. Generally, subscribers receive in app notifications, as well as other notifications like email depending on their settings.


The ability to share your project data with others is a major goal of project portfolio management. FolioProjects makes this easy in a range of ways including

FolioProjects provides multiple ways for you to engage with stakeholders by sharing project data. QR Codes are a popular way to keep track of any print material and is easily accessed in the body of the project dashboard. A great example use case for this would be tracking versioned documents through projects.


This is a major focus for FolioProjects and the projects feature. Each project can be set to private, requiring visitors to be members before seeing any project details.

You can make the dashboard alone public and all other pages require a login. Or you can configure the entire project to be private and users must be invited to visit your project. Either way, you are in control of your project's privacy, regardless of which type of project you created.

To change the privacy setting, click the manage button in the header of each project page. The button is only available to project admins.


Projects are billed during creation. You will see the fee for each project, when attempting to create one. The fees depend on the type of project you are trying to create. Generally, the fees are comparable to the amount of features present in the project e.g. basic VS Advanced projects.

Your account balance is reduced by the cost of the project, immediately after the successful creation of the project. As long as you login to your account within the next 10 years, not further billing or action is needed from you to keep this project live.

Note that activities like ETL pipelines and ML LLM analysis have an extra and separate cost to the creating of the project. These are charged each and every time they are used as we are billed each and every time you use them.


  • How many times do I have to pay for a project? Assuming you login once every 10 years, only one payment is required to keep a project active. ETL and ML LLM analysis are charged separately.
  • Can I evaluate a single project with multiple ML LLMs? Yes, you can choose which language model you would like to evaluate a project. Once its done, you can select a completely different one.
  • Can I share project updates on my website? Yes, all FolioProject projects feature the ability to share status updates via iframe. This option can be found in the header of each project page.

Our team is here to support your onboarding onto FolioProjects. In this section, we provide you with insight into the various features of the platform including projects, profiles, portfolios, and assets.

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