FolioProjects is focused on supporting project portfolio management. Towards that end, the platform analyzes, stores, and shares a range of project analytical data.
Analytic data and collection methods can be found in a few places across the FolioProjects platform. Our HueFlux sentiment management system is one source of analytic data which you can see in projects, portfolios, and dashboards. FolioProjects also collects other analytic data like visitors and clicks.
This is comprehensive documuentation showcasing a general summary of the various types of analytics you can find across FolioProjects. Each section has it's own documentation providing further in-depth details
Table Of Contents
- Analytics
- Profile
- Projects
- Portfolios
- Visitors
- Link clicks
- HueFLux Sentiment
At FolioProjects, we believe that analytics is a useful tool for providing insight into project portfolio performance. We collect a range of analytics and make it available to you and visitors depending on your privacy settings.
Analytics helps humans and machine learning tools to analyze project performance and make decisions. The more data you have, the better decisions can be made.
Your profile showcases a range of useful data like the amount of followers, project performance, upcoming projects, and HueFlux sentiment. These data points help visitors to quickly understand the skillset of the profile owner and their availability. This type of data helps you to analze if a profile showcases a solution for your needs.
Projects have several sources of analytics including internal and external stakeholders. We capture a few points of analytics data when it comes to projects. This includes
- Link clicks
- Visitors
- HueFlux Sentiment
- Statistics
Monitor a custom group of projects in a portfolio. Analytics found in projects are combined for a wholistic view at the portfolio level. You can find a range of summarized analytic data in the dashbaord area of your portfolios.
FolioProjects captures visitor data to your projects, portfolios, and profiles. This information can be found in your dashboard. Types of data we capture about your visitors include:
- City
- Country
- Time
This is useful information for gauging the popularity of a project. For example, if a project is suddently more popular than expected, this may be a reason for investigation.
Link Clicks
Projects feature the ability to create links. These links are featured on the project dashboard and can be to whatever resource you choose. Links to popular platforms show up with the logo of that platform making them easier to identify.
When users click the links you create, this interation is captured and showcased in your main dashbaord.
HueFlux Sentiment
FolioProjects captures sentiment data from project participants. You can configure projects to accept sentiment submissions from internal and external stakeholders.
The HueFlux sentimet is summarized at the top of the dashboard. You can also find a breakdown of the sentiment in the body of the dashboard.
- Does FolioProjects provide project related analytics? Yes, FolioProjects captures a range of analytic data about your projects in hopes of helping you and your AI Assistant to make informed data-driven decisions.
- Can I share analytic data? Yes, information like the number of visitors to a project can be seen in the statistics area of the projects dashboard.