
Last Modified on Jun 26, 2024, 10:05 AM by BePro Software Team

Dashboards summarize data about activity on the platform. Some information is calculated on page load; however, much of the information is updated over time as reports are able to generate updates.

FolioProjects features a few Dashboards. Each dashboard is unique based on it's goal, with a growing list of customization options.

Table Of Contents

  • Main Dashboard
  • Profile Dashboard
  • Project Dashboard
  • Portfolio Dashboard
  • Asset Dashboard
  • Dashboard Design
  • Dashboard FAQ

Main Dashboard

Immediately after login, you will be directed to the main dashboard (unless redirected to login by another page). At any time, you can access the main dashboard from the main navigation at the top of the page.

This Dashboard is a summary of all of your activities on the platform. It incorporates data that you may see on other dashbaords. It also features a range of information including:

  • Analytics
  • Account fund summary
  • Links to features e.g. projects, portfolios
  • Summary reports e.g. latest tasks and risks
  • Bullitin board with updates from the FolioProjects development team

Profile Dashboard

The home page for each profile is a dashboard. This is what anyone sees when visiting your profile. You can choose to edit privacy levels to control what's seen.

Your profile dashbaord features high level summary information about your activities like:

  • Your Description
  • Title
  • Contact info
  • Upcoming projects
  • Project statistics (completed, in progress, etc)

Project Dashboard

The landing page for each project is a dashboard. It provides a summary of project specific information. This is a great way to introduce someone to a project with high level details. It's also a great way to understand the current state of a project. Examples of data seen on this dashboard include:

  • Number of participants
  • Title
  • Description
  • Budget
  • HueFlux
  • number of tasks completed
  • Statistics and analysis summary

From your project dashbaord, you will find links to a range of project specific features including:

  • Overview
  • WorkFlow
  • Assets
  • Activity
  • Links
  • Risks
  • Chatbot
  • Lessons Learned

Portfolio Dashboard

Much like the other dashbaords, the landing page of portfolios is a dashbaord. This dashbaord summarizes information about the projects inside of the portfolio. As you add projects to the portfolio, the dashboard updates, taking into account the new information.

Asset Dashboard

From the main dashboard or from the profile dashbaord, you can access your assets. Once you select an asset, you will land on its dashbaord. The asset dashbaord features a summary of asset related activies across the platform.

Dashboard Design

The main dashboard features a data focused layout. Its only visible to you, so there is a lot of details and sensitive information available (e.g. account balance).

All other dashboards feature a header area showcasing a range of details about the subject matter it focuses on (projects, assets, etc). This is different for each feature, showcasing information specific to the feature.

Dashboards are mostly made up of reports. These reports take different times to generate depending on their complexity. For example, after immediately creating a portfolio, it may show TBD for a lot of the details until A) the projects have data to report and B) the reports have been run by FolioProjects.

Dashboards FAQ

  • Which dashbaord features the most information? The main dashboard has a summary of all of your activites across the platform and links to all main features.
  • How does privacy work with dashboards? Other than the main dashbaord which only you can see, all other dashbaords can be set to private, redacting all details.

Our team is here to support your onboarding onto FolioProjects. In this section, we provide you with insight into the various features of the platform including projects, profiles, portfolios, and assets.

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