FolioProjects Donations
If you like FolioProjects, consider donating to its development. FolioProjects is owned by Beyond Programs Ltd, a triple-bottom-line minority owned project management firm. We currently fund all development and maintain this platform.
Getting to the next stage of mass adoption will take more resources than we have access to. Intellectual property protection, SOC 2 compliance, and security are amoung our largest expenses. Aid us in growing this SaaS solution by giving a donation
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Our Goals
FolioProjects is a great way to broadcast operational status updates to stakeholders. Depending on configuration, stakeholders may receive updates via methods like text messages, removing the need to log in.
Artificial Intellience is a core part of this offering and is being developed with humans in mind first. FolioProjects utilizes several servers, API's, and personel to deliver a robust solution.
Through our headquaters in British Columbia, Canada, our goal is to support all languaes and time zones. We also hope to maintain globally recognized accessibility standards, so that FolioProjects is accessible to all aspects of society.