Welcome Tour

Last Modified on May 30, 2024, 8:05 PM by BePro Software Team

In this short guide, we will onboard you onto FolioProjects. By the end of the guide, you will be able to naviage the application and begin using it for your goals.


  • Dashboard
  • Navigation
  • Profile
  • Search
  • Comments


You sucessfully registered and logged into your account. Yay! Now you are facing your dashboard which showcases reports, statistics and updates about your profile, assets, projects, and portfolios. However, you haven't created any of that yet, so you see a bunch of zeros to TBD. No problem, we are here to get you started.

Note that many items have links that take you directly to the feature like the projects, portfolios, assets, account balance, automation triggers, and ETL Integrations. This dashboard is designed to make most features in the application reachable by 2 clicks maximum. That reduces the learning curve for you


In the menu in the header, you will notice there is always a link to your dashboard. This makes it easy to get back to your starting point. There is also a link to the documentation which you used to get to this article. We also make it easy to search, contact us, or logout. The last but potentially one of the most inportant links is to your profile.


Your profile helps you to communicate to the world. Set it to private or showcase details about you, your assets, and projects. You will notice that your profile provides a range of features and showcases your projects, portfolios, and related activity.

This is the most efficient place to search for your projects, portfolios, and assets. For each feature you will be able to create, edit, and delete them. This may be where you want to get started.


You can search across the platform for users, locations, and projects.


In each project, you can create tasks and comments. In each task and comment, you can mention others simply by using the "@" symbol before the username found on their profile.


You found this article, so you are on the right path. In this section of the website, we provide you with insights into the various features from engaging AI to risk management. This is a great place to start if you get stuck, because we designed it to get you un stuck. Welcome to FolioProjects


Our team is here to support your onboarding onto FolioProjects. In this section, we provide you with insight into the various features of the platform including projects, profiles, portfolios, and assets.

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